
We have extensive experience with Serverless components, architectures and development practices and we can help you.

Serverless architectures offer the next evolutional step of virtualisation. Serverless offers developers a level of abstraction that enable them to build and deploy software in a very opinionated environment with regards to technologies, deployment, operations and management. Adopting Serverless offers considerable productivity boosts over traditional development architectures.

Serverless is not a well-defined concept in terms of scope and it offers a wide variety of common platform components such as functions as a service, gateways, authentication services, reporting services and databases.

The advantage of this approach that developers - and indeed operations staff - care to a lesser extent what runs under the hood in the form of hardware, software and other dependencies. These concerns are managed and abstracted out of the Serverless offerings. Furthermore, the Serverless components are typically built with security, scale, resilience and availability at core and therefore offer many compelling reasons and advantages for adoption over previous architectures.

Examples of AWS Serverless components include:

  1. Lambda - or Function as a Service (FaaS)
  2. API Gateway - web service gateway & proxy
  3. Aurora Serverless database (MySQL and Postgresql flavours)
  4. QuickSight reporting service
  5. Cognito authentication service - user pool and identity provider for 3rd party authentiation integration

Tools to accommodate Serverless development are continuously maturing. The Serverless Application Model (SAM), by extension SAM Local, the Cloud Development Kit and indeed the AWS Amplify framework are excellent examples of the direction of Serverless architectures.