AWS Migration

Digital Transformation is one of the most common reasons provided for why organisations migrate to the Cloud. But where to start? We are here to help you on the journey.

Organisations are urgently recognising the need to move faster when it comes to IT alignment with business strategy & objectives in order to execute or remain competitive.

Furthermore, many organisations prefer the OpEx expenditure model to CapEx. It means that the IT cost is directly aligned with business initiatives and consumption. Finally, organisations wish to divest IT overheads in terms of resources, cost, time and operations and instead focus on executing business strategy.

In this setting, simply migrating existing software, application & services assets - in the form of physical and virtual machines and software - to Cloud is rarely ever sufficient. There is an opportunity - and often also a need - to at least partially transform the assets in order to make them Cloud-friendly. If assets are strategic to the business it is common for more transformation iterations to occur after initial migration and in some cases to continue to refactor until the asset has a Cloud-native architecture in order to take full advantage of what Cloud has to offer in terms of scale & performance, agility, operations and ease of use.

Cloud adoption and digital transformation is not a purely technical endeavour. To fully utilise Cloud there is generally a need to transform the organisation as well. Agile practices go hand in hand with digital transformation. This is not achieved overnight and change agents need to be identified to drive ambition and incentivise the organisation to transform as a whole.

Migrating to Cloud can therefore be a complex endeavour. There are a lot of moving components & risks but also opportunities and scope for considerable improvement in execution.

When deciding to embark on a digital transformation and Cloud migration journey it is therefore important to engage with a team that has the experience and skills to help ease the process and accelerate Cloud adoption.